19 Avenida 2-30 zona 14, La Villa, Guatemala 01014
© 2025 Seize the Nations for Jesus Christ | Powered by iGuate.com
To unite the born-again Christian Church worldwide, to manifest the Kingdom of God on earth, so that the Christian Evangelical Church can have a voice, vote and influence and thus bring about massive world evangelization.
To build the 24/7 Worldwide Worship Altar in all nations of the world, so that we may worship the Lord together in a relay mode and thus contribute to weave a powerful worldwide network of born-again Christians committed to the Church’s purpose of unity. That unity in love is the key to the next worldwide revival.
24/7 Worship to the Lord
24/7 Intercession for worshipers
24/7 Audible Bible Reading
We are already more than 30,000 Christians in more than 106 countries, on 5 continents, worshiping the Lord in a relay fashion, exchanging turns every 24 hours. We have also raised a shield of more than 12,000 intercessors who protect worship, by praying for each worshipper 365 days a year; fulfilling what Lev. 6:13 says: “The fire shall be kept burning continually on the altar; it shall not go out.”
A. Together we have managed to touch the Lord’s heart, pleasing Him greatly. We know that He is pleased to witness the unity in which we move around Him.
B. Through Worship, we are able to touch the heart of God, becoming worshipers in spirit and truth; seeing how each church, pastors and their teams are consecrated. This is how a genuine fellowship has been created among the members of the 24/7 Worldwide Worship Altar.
C. Through established guidelines, each person can worship, or intercede and/or read Scripture for an hour, achieving greater personal intimacy with our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray for each continent, with Proclamations and Blessings.
D. We receive prayer requests from thousands of people around the world, which are brought before the Throne by our Intercession Teams.
E. By creating a fellowship between churches and ministries, many who did not know each other, can now work together to worship our Lord Jesus Christ. This platform provides a way for small churches to be part of a worldwide movement.
F. Amazingly, over 5,000 people have been evangelized in our digital evangelistic campaigns, many of them surrendering their lives to Jesus Christ.
G. Several missionaries feel supported by belonging to an international platform.
H. We all fast as a relay, praying in unison for the same thing and we have had worldwide meetings, all participating together in the Lord’s Supper.
I. This is a first step in strengthening unity, which is preparing us to confront situations that may come later against the church, so we must strengthen mass evangelism before the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Also, it strengthens all of us to see the presence of Christianity in all the countries we have already reached. Seeing that everyone is doing their part in their work, encourages us, motivates us, gives us joy, and strengthens our faith.
J. The language barrier has not prevented hundreds of worshipers from being connected and feeling part of a worldwide community where love for the Lord, His Word and worship is shared. That connection creates an unprecedented strength for the born-again Evangelical Church.
K. Upon receiving the petitions, several intercessors have decided to send financial contributions as part of their response to the petition.
L. By worshiping in continuous relay of nations, we achieve the following:
“That they all may be one; as thou, O Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.” John 17:21
The Glory is God’s.
We need to continue bringing worshipers, intercessors, and Bible readers around the world, for which we need financial resources with which we can manifest more effectively, the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ even in the most remote places on earth.
We invite you to be part of this army that works continuously in the form of relay and to offer your economic contribution, which can be in the following way:
Your contribution can be made through bank account deposit, international wire transfers, western union or Paypal, for the amount you can and wish to contribute. A receipt will be sent to you.
Account name: Ministerio Arrebata las Naciones para Jesucristo
Account number: 3-416-00953-2
Type of account: monetary
Name: Banrural Guatemala
Banrural swift code: brrlgtgc
Address: avenida reforma 9-30 zona 9, Guatemala, Guatemala.
Citibank, N.A.
Swift: Citius33
Aba: 021000089
Cost per transfer $10.00
A member of our team will contact you.
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